This Code of Practice requires the training organisation to implement policies and management practices that maintain high professional standards in the delivery of education and training services and which safeguard the educational interests and welfare of staff and students.
Educational Purpose
Career Employment Group Inc has been established principally to provide high quality education and training to students on a sustainable commercial basis over the long-term. The training organisation is regulated by specific legislation and the laws and regulations that apply to all Registered Training Organisations in Australia.
It is our intention to exceed the requirements of these minimum standards and provide students with high quality facilities, staff, training and support that will surpass their expectations.
Administration and management
The Training organisation will meet the following minimum administrative and management standards:
- Ensure a person or persons with relevant qualifications and experience will undertake responsibility for the management and coordination of training delivery, assessment, verification, staff selection and professional development of the Training organisation;
- Maintain adequate and appropriate insurance including public liability, professional indemnity and Return to Work SA registration;
- Advise the Registering Authority in writing within 10 working days of any change to the information contained in its Registration/Endorsement Application;
- Allow the Registering Authority or its agent’s access to training records, delivery locations and staff for the purpose of auditing performance or verifying compliance with the Conditions of Registration;
- Pay the Registering Authority all registration fees within 30 days of these fees being due and payable to maintain currency of registration;
- Maintain systems for recording student enrolments, attendance, completion, assessment outcomes (including Recognition of Prior Learning), results, qualifications issued, complaints, appeals and the archiving of records;
- Treat all personal records of clients with the strictest confidentiality;
- Provision for staff and students to be able to access their own records.
Course delivery
The Training organisation will:
- Provide, prior to course commencement, appropriate documentation containing information about the course curriculum, program of study and availability of learning resources;
- Ensure that a current copy of the course curriculum is available to staff and students;
- Ensure that training and assessment occur in accordance with the requirements of the course curriculum;
- Ensure that National guidelines are followed when customising courses to meet the needs of particular clients;
- Obtain permission from course copyright owners prior to course delivery to use and, if required, customise courses;
- Ensure that all courses on the Scope of Registration remain current.
Trainers and Assessors of CEG-Training Partnerships will have:
- Demonstrated vocational competencies at least to the level of those being delivered and assessed;
- Industrial and / or workplace experience and skills that are current and relevant to the particular courses or modules that they are involved in delivering or assessing.
- For Trainers, demonstrated achievement of TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or a diploma or a higher level qualification in adult education.
- For Assessors, demonstrated achievement of at least the assessor skillset: TAESS00011
- An individual who is not a trainer or assessor can be employed to work under the supervision of a trainer provided:
- They do not determine assessment outcomes
- They have demonstrated vocational competencies at least to the level of those being delivered and assessed;
- They have industrial and / or workplace experience and skills that are current and relevant to the particular courses or modules that they are involved in delivering or assessing.
- They hold one of the following Skill Sets, TAESS00003, TAESS00007, or TAESS00008, or TAESS00013, TAESS00014, TAESS00015.
- The RTO ensures the training and assessment complies with Standard 1
- The RTO puts in place the level of supervision required to ensure the training and assessment complies with Standard 1
- The RTO implements any requirements, conditions or restrictions considered necessary on the individual’s involvement in the provision of training and collection of assessment evidence to ensure the training and assessment complies with Standard 1
- The RTO ensures that trainers providing supervision, monitor and are accountable for all training provision and collection of assessment evidence by the individual under their supervision
Training environment
CEG-Training Partnerships will meet the following minimum training environment standards:
- Comply with all laws relevant to the operation of training premises including occupational health and safety, equal opportunity, anti-harassment, privacy and fire safety regulations;
- Meet appropriate building regulations;
- Provide a safe, secure and healthy environment for staff and students;
- Schedule formal training to a maximum of 8 hours per day between 8 am and 10 pm each day, unless specifically requested by a client to meet industry needs;
- Ensure that training premises are of adequate size and have adequate heating, cooling, lighting and ventilation;
- Ensure that training facilities, equipment and other resource materials are adequate for the Scope of Registration and are maintained in good order and repair;
- Provide support that encompasses academic and non-academic support and referral.
Awards and statements of attainment
Awards and Statements of Attainment will be issued to students who satisfactorily complete courses or units within the Scope of Registration in the form of certificates containing the following information:
- name and registered number of the Training organisation as shown on the Certificate of Registration;
- name of the person receiving the qualification;
- name of the course or units as shown on the Scope of Registration;
- a certificate number;
- the Nationally Recognised Training Logo;
- the appropriate Australian Qualifications Framework statement;
- identification of the recognition authority;
- date issued; and
- authorised signatory of the Training organisation.
CEG-Training Partnerships will identify units of competency achieved on an academic statement, from any certification issued in relation to courses based on national competency standards.
CEG-Training Partnerships will accept and mutually recognise the qualifications and Statements of Attainment awarded by any other Registered Training Organisation.
Marketing and recruitment
CEG-Training Partnerships will:
- Market courses within the Scope of Registration with integrity, accuracy and professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. No false or misleading comparisons are to be drawn with any other provider or course;
- Not state or imply that courses other than those within the Scope of Registration are recognised by the registering authority;
- Recruit students at all times in an ethical and responsible manner consistent with the requirements of courses;
- Ensure that application and selection processes are explicit and defensible and equity and access principles are observed;
- Complete a written agreement with students which contains details of all fees, charges and conditions where applicable.
Student information
CEG-Training Partnerships will advise prospective students of:
- its Scope of Registration;
- application processes and selection criteria;
- fees and costs involved in undertaking training;
- fee refund policy;
- qualifications to be issued on completion or partial completion of courses;
- competencies to be achieved during training;
- assessment procedures including recognition of prior learning;
- literacy and numeracy requirements;
- complaints and appeals procedure;
- staff responsibilities;
- facilities and equipment;
- student support services.
Access and equity operating principles
CEG-Training Partnerships:
- Aims to ensure that access to employment and training is available, regardless of gender, socioeconomic background, disability, ethnic origin, age or race;
- Training services are delivered in a non-discriminatory, open and respectful manner;
- Staff are appropriately skilled in access and equity issues, including cultural awareness and sensitivity to the requirements of clients with special needs;
- Facilities are updated to provide reasonable access to clients of all levels of mobility, and physical and intellectual capacity within the limitations of the facilities currently available. Students who have specific access requirements that cannot be met will be advised to identify another provider that meets their access requirements;
- Conduct client selection for training opportunities in a manner that includes and reflects the diverse client population;
- Actively encourages the attendance of clients from traditionally disadvantaged groups and specifically offers assistance to those most disadvantaged;
- Provides culturally inclusive language, literacy and numeracy advice and assistance that assists clients in meeting personal training goals;
- Is accountable for its performance in adhering to the principles of this policy, and welcomes feedback as part of its quality improvement system;
- Staff and students are required to comply with access and equity requirements at all times.
If you have any suggestions as to how we can improve our performance with respect to access and equity, or if you would like further information on anything included in this policy, please contact the Compliance Manager